Thursday, June 28, 2012


There's nothing like a cold bath in the backyard when it's 105 degrees outside. Some of the gang know this and make themselves available for bathing, some of them prefer to avoid the hose area until they are led there. The Golden Retrievers tend to belong in the first group. The webbing on their feet is probably the first clue that they consider water their friend. As soon as the water comes on, Gracie starts circling, Lucy coyly peeks around the corner and Daisy and Maggie are ready and waiting. It's too bad that the first thing that Daisy and Maggie do after their baths is roll in the dust (dust + water = mud and we know that they like that)
Next comes Gracie, she has run past the bathing spot several times waiting her turn and now she has it. Gracie loves her bath and goes into a crazy, playful run right after, cooling down and trying to get the rest of the gang worked up. Toby plays hard to get, but once he is getting wet, stands still and enjoys. Lucy comes easily and picks up her hurley and walks happily off aftterwards. Layla acts like she is shocked that I would dare spray her with soap and water, but takes it peacefully and goes off to lay in coolness in the dining room (yes, the dining room, it took a couple of hours for the inside of the house to dry off after this bathing session). Hunny Bunny doesn't smell so funny anymore, which is a good thing. The rest of them either hit the last bathing session (last time temps climbed into the big numbers) or will catch the next session. I finally dried off too... now everyone is cool  and clean, asleep in the house, catching the air conditioning where they can....

Daisy rolling in the dust

after the bath

Toby and Daisy

Layla too

Toby's wet head

Daisy cool and happy
the bath wore sweet Hunny Bunny out

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